Search results for "snap kitchen"

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Sick Girl Seasonings

[…]for a few days.  But now that I’ve found my way out of a sloth-like state and back to the kitchen, it’s all good. Joy the Baker’s Spicy Lentil Soup seemed like the right, hearty choice for my first home-cooked meal in ages. I followed Joy’s recipe almost to a tee. […]

The Not-So-Easy Way

[…]in my bag of quick recipe tricks and whipped up something that would make a minimal mess in my kitchen.  I should not have wandered the aisles day dreaming and recipe creating.  I absolutely should not have settled on a recipe that would destroy my kitchen and double my chore […]

FoodFash Mom

[…]expecting it to be really bad?  Have we been apart too long for you to remember that I get the kitchen and the kitchen gets me?  It turns out, the few experiences she’s had with spaghetti squash hadn’t been that impressive (phew!).  She noted the goodness a few more times and went […]

A Berry Baking Challenge

[…]of the recipes I flagged was the blackberry curd tart with lemon crème fraîche from In The Sweet Kitchen.  Not only did this recipe sound like a dessert I’d order at one of my favorite fancy restaurants, it also sounded like a challenge trifecta. And the fact that Driscoll’s Berries […]

Sauerkraut & Potatoes

[…]how the conversation begins. We talk a lot about food because, well, she’s who shared her kitchen most with me when I was a wee one.  We talk even more about food because she’s FoodFash’s biggest fan (and I appreciate that).  Today was all about sauerkraut and potatoes because it’s […]

Postal Birthday Cakes

[…]as I got to carefully cracking the eggs. I used the angel food cake recipe from In The Sweet Kitchen, which called for 1-1/2 cups egg whites (about 10 to 12 eggs).  Other than making a big ol’ pot of scrambled eggs for a group, I had never cracked this […]