Nothing could have prepared me for how much work feeding an infant would be. Perhaps I made life more difficult by going the Baby Led Weaning route, but at the time {6 months} it felt like the right approach. Five months later {at 11 months} I couldn’t be happier that we toughed out the messes and the meal prep. Fixing Ezra’s meals for the week is still a ton of work, but I’ve come up with a few “go to” recipes that make it easier. And seeing how independent of an eater he is just lights me up. His fine motor skill development and appetite for textures and flavors are pretty incredible.
I created this Green Pancake recipe as a solution for weekday breakfasts. I wanted a meal that was packed with nutrients, sized/textured for self-feeding, and easy to make in bulk then freeze. I’ve been modifying this pancake recipe in some form over the past decade – it’s wonderful!
I use a cookie scoop to make baby-sized green pancakes. I keep a few in the fridge for the current week and store the rest in the freezer for future breakfasts. I’m guilty of snacking on a few green pancakes here and there too!