Search results for "cafe hey"

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[…]Sway’s opening since I first saw construction activity while eating at Elizabeth Street Cafe a few months ago.  “Wood paired with a painted masonry exterior?  I must eat here.”.  Two sentences that, outside of my world, probably don’t frequent a pairing. A group of seven of us gathered around 4PM on […]

And My #SXSW13 Vacation Begins!

[…]Lockhart BBQ Trip During SXSW12) Last night, I took the crew to South Congress Cafe where they soaked in the quaintness of the restaurant and Austin in general.  And then they updated me on all the wonderful things that INDMUSIC has had their hands on lately.  Like have you heard […]

Tagging Along With @MelissaSkorpil

[…]writes a column at Honest Cooking and works at a favorite restaurant of mine, Elizabeth Street Cafe.  Needless to say, I spent a bit of my afternoon among the most awesome of company. Their mission for this shoot was to practice unconventional food photos for both of their portfolios.  The […]

Beer & Cheese School

[…]beer/cheese pairings were with the darkest beers on the menu! Black Ale with Le Marechal and Hey Joe Coffee Stout with Cabot Clothbound were the pairings on the list that I asterisked and starred. And what surprised me even more was how many of these cheeses picky, picky Val tried […]


[…] The food, the service, the atmosphere – the place was spot on in every instance.  The cafe alone is worth venturing over to the East Side, but the fact that they have such awesome neighbors makes the trip even more exciting! I’ll be seeing you soon, Eastside […]


[…]balls.  Either ball, I would have taken more.  The oysters were oysters, I loved them cause they were oysters.  And the roasted turnip soup was a bit salty for my taste, but I totally dug the calamari topper. And then, because I’m a compulsive checker-in-er, my friend Skylar texted me […]

South Congress Brunch

[…]my style. Emily ordered the steak & migas and had a little love-at-first-sight moment when they arrived. Perhaps we all did, they were b-e-a-utiful. And Shayne went with the daily special of gouda grits with pork shoulder and poached eggs. A day prior, I had just finished ranting to Emily […]

The Hanz Is Here!

“Could this place be any more you?”, Hansell said as we sat down at Elizabeth Street Cafe to order his first meal in Austin, ever.  “Even the waitress’ outfits are you”.  Flattered, I encouraged my old Tampa roommate to look at the menu, assuring him that the food was every […]

Bastrop & Blues

[…]I quickly committed Kara, Jodie, and myself to hand out 1,000 koozies in blazing hot weather.  Hey Kara and Jodie, you’re welcome! The new business?  Bastrop River Company!  Bastrop offers tubing, paddle boarding, and kayaking a bit closer to town and at a fraction of the price as other river […]