I’m asked often why I started FoodFash. The truth is, there’s a variety of reasons and the reason or reasons I choose to share are completely dependent on the audience and whether or not I want the conversation to continue. But what I’m going to share with you now, and I promise this is going to segue into the beauty of a bloody mary pictured above, is one of the reasons why I continue to create. And it’s because I’m fastidious. And as much as I enjoy new life experiences, I enjoy making them my own even more.
Last weekend, I ordered the most ridiculous bloody mary ever. It was 40 dollars worth of out-of-control. Sure it had some usual suspects like bacon and peppers. But it was also topped with sushi, pork belly, a grilled cheese, and the list goes on. And though I wouldn’t have traded the experience for any other {it’s what led me to create this post,} it was of the most disgusting bloody marys I’ve ever tasted. The mix was sweet, the toppers were heavy, the portion was nap-inducing – it was unfinishable. I knew could do better. And I did.
The recipe below is for the bloody mary of my dreams: light, not sweet {at all}, slightly spicy, and a solid horseradish kick. I don’t want to feel sick ever, but especially after a brunch cocktail. And I want enough damn toppings to last through the entire drink!
Suggested toppers:
- Bacon!
- Shrimp
- Smoked Oysters
- Pickled Okra
- Pickled Asparagus
- Giant Spanish Olives
- Cornichons ({pickles}
- Maldon salt {for rim}
P.S. Celery to a bloody mary is like honeydew to a fruit salad – nobody wants it.