Friends.. You have to be as annoyed with life hacks by now as I am. I’m not the least bit bothered that I’ve been taking my shirt off the incorrect way my entire life because, well, I’ve been making do. I refuse to cut my cupcakes in half and stack before eating because frosting on the nose is just a part of eating cupcakes. That’s what the zigzags on bobby pins are for? Interesting, but.. habit prevails.
But the FeedFeed artichoke hack? This is a hack I can get on board with. I experienced a major grilled artichoke fail a few weeks ago and stumbling upon this oven-steamed tutorial couldn’t have happened at a more perfect time.
The best part of the recipe is that the drippings are reserved as a dipping sauce. And the close second of a best part is utilizing the artichoke stem, which tastes much like the heart.
Click here for the full recipe and video tutorial.
Maggie Perkins says
Who’d have known about those stems?? Now I’m looking through the market bushels for the longest stems because EASY.
Kristin says
I had no idea either! So, so good.