Late last week, Katie called all the girls to let us know that she scored us some sweet suite tickets to the Bucs/Rams game on Sunday. We packed in the car with her pops for a giggle-filled ride to the stadium. The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, it was going to be a perfect day.
We plopped our late-twenties-selves on Santa’s lap, thankful for where life has taken us and thankful to be together again.
The suite was jam packed full of gameday snacks. Oh how I’ve missed legit Cuban bread!!
And Corona… Somehow Corona tastes so much better once you cross the Florida state line.
We Sunday Funday-ed in the greatest of company. And! I was even able to make my way to the other side of the stadium and say hello to my aunt, who just happened to be at the game too. And, and! My friend Jodie, a Floridian friend from Austin that recently moved to Hawaii, was at the game too.
Thank you again Katie for setting the scene for the most wonderful of Christmas Eve Eves!
SUCH A FUN DAY! Great post…