Miami Beach adventures and NYC visitors knocked me straight out of any routine. Grocery shopping hasn’t been a real thing in quite some time. Instagram activity is slow and FoodFash activity is even slower. And when I ever so subtly mentioned to my mother than I’ve been living off of frozen dumplings. That gasp… It was time to shop the perimeter.
Eggplant, tomatoes, and basil sandwiched with a couple of cheeses and sprinkled with salt, garlic powder, and pepper. I used this post as my eggplant cooking guide and made the rest up on the fly.
The only thing I wish I would have done differently is double the amount of tomatoes stacked on each piece of eggplant. Next time, eggplant pizza, next time!
Much better, and tomatoes, too!
Thanks for sharing! This is a great idea to get rid of some of the carbs…
You are very welcome!