This past weekend, I spent a lot of time getting cozy with nature and this book. And even though there was a seemingly quotable line on every page, there was one quote in particular that resonated with me – “The right constraints can lead you to your very best work”.
I haven’t yet addressed why the past 50 days have been filled with gluten-free and dairy-free recipes, because I had {still have} hopes that it was irrelevant. My intention isn’t to deliver good gluten/dairy free recipes, it is to deliver delicious recipes. Period.
And to circle back around to the above referenced quote, I can’t help but believe that these constraints are creating a better FoodFash.
So today I bring you another delicious recipe: orange peppers {turned yellow in the oven} stuffed with cubed sirloin, quinoa, and some staple stuffed-pepper veggies.
Using cubed sirloin and quinoa gave this dish texture and prevented the mush that is so commonly associated with traditional stuffed peppers. The onions, tomatoes, and garlic provided the bulk of the flavor. And the bell pepper, well the bell pepper provided the most photogenic bowl ever {and some additional flavor as well}.