A couple weeks ago, another blogger from the Austin Food Bloggers Alliance posted a casting call ad for a food show. I read the brief description and applied, why not? I’m so graceful in front of a camera, it seemed like the natural thing to do. I baked a few mini pies in cute little ceramic dishes, put on a sunshiney dress to rebel against daylight savings time, and posed for a picture of me and my pies.
For some reason, the flash was on when my mom took the picture. I set the pies on the counter to show her how to turn the flash off and, well… I didn’t set the pies fully on the counter because the box kerplunked onto the ground. I re-assembled one of the broken pies, giggled to block the tears, and headed to the audition. And broken pies and all, I was given a call back.
Needless to say, I’m the opposite of graceful in front of cameras. But even though I know this, I went back to the second audition – an hour slot in front of the camera. I baked a new pie, got covered in microphone wires, and gave the casting staff my all. All of the anxiety was worth it, because I left the audition knowing that I took a chance. A chance that Tampa Kristin would have never taken.
Check out the deets on Supermarket Superstars and keep your fingers crossed for me!