Sooo…. The storms last night were out of control. It took me over an hour to drive to Whole Foods, which is only 4.7 miles from my house. I tried to outsmart the commuter crowd by taking back roads, but due to extreme flooding (there was a car window deep in water!) all navigable roads were jam packed. I called my mom to pass the time and she texted me this picture of how terrible Tampa looked from across the bay. Creepy skies.
Needless to say, I wasn’t able to finish Day 3 of the 5k Program like I had anticipated. But I was able to buy a ton of fresh fruit at Whole Foods. I had decided earlier on in the day to try eating two apples and a grapefruit in between meals to keep ravenous hunger away.
Today, I felt abnormally energized after work (thanks fruit!) and rushed home to tackle Day 3, which ended up being the easiest thus far. And I wasn’t disappointed with any of the songs on the Day 3 playlist either!
I’m really, really, really excited for Week 2, Day 1 because after Week 2, Day 1, the workouts intensify each time and no longer repeat themselves. Plus, I’m impatient and would like to rush ahead to the point where I’m ready to start the 10k Program!
Have you implemented any fresh fruit rules for yourself lately?