Twenty twelve was a big year, filled with tons of the good stuff, for this girl! The biggest, most wonderful, box that I checked off my twenty twelve to-do list was move to Austin. The instant I arrived, I made a handful of lifelong friends and fell completely in love with the city. And even though my Austin life has kept me busier than I could ever imagine, perhaps too busy to have checked everything off that list, it exposed me to opportunity and dreams I would have never even thought to have dreamt. Tampa Kristin would have never auditioned for a TV show, but Austin Kristin auditioned for two!
As far as 2013 goes, the year arrived much too quickly to narrow down what I’d like to accomplish. After three years of FoodFash, I know more than ever that blogging, and everything that comes with being a blogger, makes me happy. For that reason alone, I’m confident that FoodFash will continue to grow. Other than that, I just plan on enjoying Austin and continuing the adventure.
Happy 2013 ladies and gents!