Wow, where to begin! Earlier this year, I saw a post on Facebook advertising a “win a trip to Italy” contest hosted by DaVinci Wine. I clicked on it, had fun filling out an application that allowed me to share my favorite vacation stories, submitted various pictures/videos/blog posts, and went on my way. A few weeks later, a random NY number popped up on my phone and I answered {thinking it was a supplier for work}.
What a surprise to find out that what I expected to be a work call was actually someone calling to notify me that I had been selected as one of 12 finalists in the 2014 DaVinci Wine Storyteller Experience! The rest of the call went something like “Oh my goodness, thank you! …oh, the winners are selected by voting?”. I should have been completely excited, but the memory of another Italy contest came rushing back and the feeling of coming in dead last clouded my excitement.
I pushed the negativity aside and began promoting the contest in a way that I hoped would attract support without annoying friends, family, and followers {my ultimate contest promoting fear}.
The contest ended on July 31st. How five-ish weeks had come and gone, I was uncertain. I had plenty to focus on though, with the opening of a new restaurant. I knew the announcement of contest winners would sneak up on me just the same.
On August 1st, I rushed home after work to change into yoga clothes and make a quick return at Free People before heading to class. As I was mid-return, my phone rang and another unknown NY number appeared on the screen. My heart pounded. Would they really be calling me this soon to let me know I didn’t win?
They wouldn’t. They had good news. And before I even had a moment to wonder how the contest would turn out, I knew the outcome. I squealed and looked around, wishing I could share my excitement with someone, anyone but the sales clerk processing my return. I held it in, bypassed yoga out of fear that my heart would explode from happiness {it felt possible}, and made the appropriate calls.
Now that flights have been booked, draft itineraries have been sent out, and the formal announcement has been made on the DaVinci Wine website, I am so thrilled to shout off the social media rooftops how much I appreciate everyone who voted {or wished they could have found the time to vote}! I can’t wait to spend SEVEN days in Italy with DaVinci Wine, Jennifer {travel writer}, Celeste {photographer}, and Karen {food blogger}!
I head out in just a few weeks. On September 19th, I fly from Austin to Florence, where I will have a day and change to myself before meeting up with the group. There is a wonderfully curated itinerary from September 21st through 27th that I can’t wait to share with you once finalized – stay tuned!
{thank you!}
So happy for you!!!
Thank you!!
I remember those phone calls and the elation I felt. Congratulations Kristin! You are going to have the most wonderful adventure! Karista
Thank you! I’ve enjoyed reading posts about your trip 🙂
I am so excited for you. Have a wonderful trip…I can’t wait to hear all about it!
Thank you! I’m so excited to write about it!