As of 4PM today, I had zero idea of what I wanted to make tonight. I knew I wanted to go to yoga (third day this week!). And I knew that I didn’t want anything heavy (yoga kills my appetite). And then right as I felt like I was going to have to wing it, sweaty and in stretchy shorts, post-practice at Whole Foods… My phone dinged with a recipe suggestion from the mom. Pickled egg salad? I was curious.
I headed to the bulk section and spent a whopping 60-something cents on pickling spices. And then straight home to mounge on some caprese salad using leftover tomatoes while the spices were boiling and doing their thing.
The pickling liquid took forever and a half to cool. In fact, I couldn’t wait any longer and dropped the peeled eggs into a warm-ish mixture. Now I just have to wait a day or so until I can chop these babies up and make some egg salad out of them. I’m thinking this egg salad will taste like perfection on some sprouted sourdough!
Pickled eggs do not appeal to me…but maybe I need to try them?
The bulk section is where I buy 99% of my spices. So cheap!