Justin has been slipping sweet tunes my way for a solid 15 years now. And even though Sirius XMU does a pretty darn good job of making musical goodness extremely accessible to, well, everyone, Justin still manages to find stuff that even they haven’t gotten their hands on yet. You ready to start that music blog yet, J?
Sir Sly – Where I’m Going
[ca_audio url=”http://www.birp.fm/music/playlists/2013/march/108%20-%20Sir%20Sly%20-%20Where%20I%27m%20Going.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false”]
Wildcat! Wildcat! – Please and Thank You
[ca_audio url=”http://files2.earmilk.com/tracks/MjAxMy0wMS9XaWxkY2F0V2lsZGNhdC1QbGVhc2UtYW5kLVRoYW5rLVlvdS0tRU0wMTEzLm1wMw==.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false”]
Local Natives – Ceilings
[ca_audio url=”http://citizeninsanemedia.com/Local%20Natives%20-%20Ceilings.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false”]