Over the past year I’ve seen dozens of homemade marshmallow happenings in the virtual world. Some colored, some swirled, some flavored, some shaped – lots and lots of marshmallow happenings. I wanted to be a part of it, but no matter how many times I put it on my to-do list, they never seemed to be a happening in this kitchen.
By way of Cupcakes & Cashmere, I found this Martha Stewart marshmallow recipe and decided to give it a whirl.
I opted not to go the peppermint route and decided to make a more delicate mallow, one consisting of vanilla and hints of lemon. I added quarter teaspoons of vanilla extract and lemon extract until I reached my desired flavor (1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract). The quarter-teaspoon-at-a-time method will be my go-to for the next round, because there will be a next round! Almond, coffee, salted caramel – the possibilites are endless!
I packed up three bags: one for Skylar, one for the Lawson brothers, and one for my coworkers. And then the rave reviews starting pouring in. And that… Made me smile an extra large, jumbo puffed smile!
Salty marshmallows!! I like your thinking!
Coffee + Puffy Puffy FF Marshmellow = Yes! I’m Excited, it’s delish! It’s Mello-Coffee!
I became obsessed with making marshmallows this past holiday season. So fun!
So much fun!!