Now that the holidays are over, it’s time for the ATX visitors to start rolling in again! This past weekend, Val and Katie flew from sunshiny Tampa to experience everything I raved about when I was home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We went to some of my tried and true favs: La Condesa, Midnight Cowboy, boutiques on South Congress, the lake house. And then we checked out a few new things, one of which was Gospel Brunch at Stubb’s BBQ.
We followed the crowd to the buffet line and filled up our plates with a solid mix of southern goodness and Tex-Mex. I snapped a shot of Katie’s plate as it was much more fun than the rest our ours. My plate looked something like cheese grits, cheese grits, biscuits and gravy, cheese grits. Fifty shades of white is about as uninteresting as it gets. But let me tell ya, the cheese grits were where it was at.
As we crossed over to the full-bellied side, the band came on and an instant energy filled the room.
We clapped along and waved our arms and all the while our smiles grew. Gospel Brunch was certainly the most uplifting brunch any of us had ever experienced. I think it’s safe to say that everyone in our group would gladly go again!
I want to go there on my next trip to Austin!
Of course!