Holy moly, tabbouleh should be called something along the lines of use-every-cutting-board-in-your-cabinets-and-dirty-every-dish salad, for tabbouleh is no joke in the prep-work department.
FoodFash Quinoa Tabbouleh
1/2 cup quinoa
1 cup water
1 bunch flat leaf parsley, de-stemmed
1 bunch mint leaves, de-stemmed
1 bunch scallions, chopped
1 cucumber, deseeded and chopped
5 ounces cherry tomatoes, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
juice of two lemmons
salt & pepper to taste
Bring quinoa and water to a boil, reduce heat, and cover for 20 minutes. While quinoa is cooking, get ready to chop, a lot. Chop deseeded cucumber and tomato and set aside. Add parsley, scallions, and mint to a food processor and press the chop button until everything is mixed and nothing resembles leaves. Mix the quinoa and veggies together in a large bowl, add olive oil and lemon juice, and stir. Salt and pepper to taste. Tabbouleh can be eaten immediately, but tastes best after about an hour in the fridge.
Tabbouleh is about as powerhouse of a salad as they come. Parsley is filled with Vitamin K, antioxidants, and volatile oils. Quinoa is crazy in the protein and fiber departments. And the tomatoes, mint, and scallions add their fair share of nutrients as well. Tabbouleh is one of those dishes that, in a perfect world, should be served with every meal.
Haha! I love your comment on making tabbouleh! I don’t love it so I don’t order it much but I’ve had it made with finely chopped romaine instead of parsley and I liked it a lot more and I love quinoa so this version sounds right up my alley!
love me some tabbouleh!
Beautiful recipe! I’m sure to make it soon
Thank you! Please let me know what you think!