A few weeks ago before I left for a DC work trip, I remembered that I had a long overdue Clearly Fresh Bag review in my queue. I chopped a leftover onion in half, put one piece in a Ziploc, the other in a Clearly Fresh Bag, and presumably grabbed my luggage and rushed out the door. When I returned a week later, the Clearly Fresh Bag onion (on the right) was clearly the winner.
Now fast forward to hearing Dawn Jackson Blatner speak at the Healthy Living Summit last Saturday… Of the many amazing mantras I took away from her session, there was one in particular that I felt I should start practicing immediately: everyday veggie tray.
The concept behind ‘everyday veggie tray’ is that veggies that are already washed and chopped are just as accessible when you’re busy as a packaged snack. Seems simple, I know, but most healthy living concepts are simple, so simple that they’re easily forgotten.
My every day veggie tray consists of radishes, cucumber, and broccoli – precut for perfect hummus scoopage. I’m also very excited because prior to my Clearly Fresh Bag experiment I would have been very hesitant about chopping this many veggies in advance.
Do you think an every day veggie tray would work for you? What kinds of veggies would you prep for the week?
I would definitely eat more vegetables if I was able to chop them in advance and store them without them going bad – I actually buy some pre-chopped veggies @ WF salad bar for convenience (I’d rather pay more for just what I’ll use than less for a ton of individual veggies that get half-eaten). This looks like it would extend their life a lot though!
Great idea!! I chopped a ton of radishes and, turns out… I’m not a huge fan past one or two of them.
Delish veggie tray! AWESOME WORK!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! It was such a pleasure, and super motivational, to hear you speak 🙂
I’ve been doing this for years, and it works great for me! I always use cherry tomatoes, broccoli crowns, baby carrots, and cucumbers.
It’s a tray like yours that makes me wish I liked tomatoes…