Yesterday, my Twitter app notified me of the following mention, a shout out to great fitness friends. Ahhh!! Me? Fitness? Not lately…
Not in a loooong time actually. The last time I regularly worked out I was a non-blogging, Dallas resident. The combination of moving home and starting FoodFash left little time for working out (other than yoga Sundays).
Ironically, unbeknownst to @MyFitCoach, I decided to get back to it last Thursday by easing my way into a daily 20 minute shred with Jillian Michaels. Cheesy, right? Yes, total cheese, but I needed something quick and powerful that felt manageable with my current schedule.
After shredding 5 of the last 7 days, I felt ready for a run. I headed to Val’s house after work and we set off to Bayshore. We ran a song, walked a song, for 3-1/2 miles. Then we walked to the Greenwise salad bar to pick up greens to use the assorted set of balsamics I gave Val for her birthday.
We doubled up awkwardly over the sink, sampling each flavor with a spoon. They were all pretty good, but only some seemed salad worthy. Val settled on red apple and I went for the fig.
I’ve had my health foodie head on straight for quite some time now, but it’s soooo nice to be finally be workin’ on my fitness at the same time!
Love that salad pic.
Soon, the boys will be lining down the block just to watch what u got, lol.
haha! Gina, you’re too funny!