Breakfast: Sprouted English Muffin with Tofutti and Superfruit Spread
Lunch: Leftover Rollin’ Oats Wrap
Snack: Leftover Rasa Lila Pretzels
Pre-Yoga Dinner: Ginger Cabbage and Ramen
Post-Yoga Dinner: Soho Sushi Miso Soup & Ginger Salad
I was peer pressured into exercise tonight. Chrissie and Meghann wanted to check out the 7PM Prana Flow class at Yogani and I couldn’t say no. I’m glad I went, but man was it tough! Graceful, I am not.
Check back tomorrow for the Ginger Cabbage and Ramen recipe!
oh i am just lovin all your food today. great day of eats if you ask me!
Thanks! I thought so too 🙂
I totally forgot about english muffin+cream cheese+jam!! One of my fave bfasts! Thanks for the reminder!
I can’t wait to see that recipe – it looks flat out amazing!
Oh man, my beloved Tuesday night FLOW class at Yogani… How I miss that class. Bet it was great. Food does look delicious! Never enough ginger… in either you or the food 🙂
I never realized that was the class you took! I knew it was your Ashley right away though!
…wow, and she’s still there! soon I will make my return, soon…