Breakfast: “Green” Smoothie
(Smoothie = Handful of Spinach, 1 apple, 1/2 cup frozen mango, 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries, 10 baby carrots, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup ice cubes)
Snack: Homemade Ciabatta Bread with Crofter’s Superfruit Spread
Lunch: Smart Dog with Sauerkraut and Dairy-Free Creamy Tomato Soup
Dinner: Right Foods Soy Ginger Noodles
Dessert: A Mutilated Mango
And lastly, an intro.
Meet Oscar, my new “pet”.
Remember my recent bread baking addiction? Well… It’s still going strong. I’m determined to make a sourdough loaf, which requires a starter or pet. A starter is a batter of flour and water that requires daily feeding and over time becomes full of living yeast and bacteria. Sounds pretty gross, but that grossness is responsible for the delish sour taste in sourdough.
Here’s to hoping I keep Oscar alive and well!
Go Oscar!!!!
You better be rooting for Oscar, him being your godson and all 😉